How to login with WhatsApp in ERPCA mobile app?

How to login with WhatsApp in ERPCA mobile app?
  Login with WhatsApp is a completely OTP-less method to login into ERPCA mobile app. Whenever you come to the login page of your app, If you wish to login through WhatsApp click on its icon.There will be a pop-up...
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How to view tasks which takes longer time to close?
  Actionable Insight(s) module is a micro level view where you can view things like task insights, financial observation and average data points,etc. This page is visible to Admin/Partner/Manager. After clicking on Task Insights admin can view things like entire...
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How to add new or sister company in ERPCA?
  You can easily add New/Multiple company details in ERPCA. For that you need to go to 'Setup' module, from the drop down select the "Company" tab. Clicking on company, fill all your company details under "Create New Company" and...
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How to log hrs spent on quick task by using Time-Tracker in ERPCA?
  In TIME TRACKER you will be easily able to add quick task such as all the Back-end Office Work. In Time Tracker go to create quick tasks. Select the Non billable workcategory from the Drop down,Describe the work in...
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How to record client consultation hrs by using Time-Tracker in ERPCA?
  In TIME TRACKER you will be able to easily record consultation hrs spent in a day. In Time Tracker click on Add quick consulting hrs(Add-hoc). Select the client and mention the Ad-Hoc task,Start and Stop the timer. Ad Hoc...
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How to use Time-Tracker feature in ERPCA?
  By using TIME TRACKER you will be able to record the LIVE time you are spending on task assigned to you as well as for some unassigned activities. Benefits of TIME TRACKER 1. Easily Plan your daily work 2....
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How to plan your day with assigned tasks by using Time-Tracker in ERPCA?
  Header section of ERPCA has the TIME TRACKER button. Click on Time Tracker ---> Select Plan Your Day Do the planning by selecting and adding assigned task(s) to the work queue.After adding the task you can view it in...
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How to give module access to particular department through system config in ERPCA?
  ERPCA gives you power to control the rights of module access for your each user group in your organization. ERPCA provides role based access where the admin can restrict the permission to use the feature according to their organisation's...
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How to manage non-billable tasks through system configuration in ERPCA?
  Task status can be created by Admin. In the profile section click on "System Config ---> Non-Billable Task". You can view added task status in task board as well as in edit existing non-billable task. By clicking on Create...
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How to create new To-Do, edit, delete and remark on same To-Do in ERPCA?
  In the Header section of dashboard there is an envelope icon on the top to remind you about your To-Dos. You need to click on it to go to your To-Do board. It has a form, you can create...
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